%if 0%{?fedora} %global check_links 1 %else %global check_links 0 %endif %{!?__python_ver:%global __python_ver 3} %if "%{__python_ver}" != "EMPTY" %global main_python 0 %global python python%{__python_ver} %else %global main_python 1 %global python python %endif %define pybasever 3.3 Summary: Documentation for the Python 3 programming language Name: %{python}-docs # The Version needs to be in-sync with the "python" package: Version: %{pybasever}.2 Release: 2%{?dist} License: Python Group: Documentation Source: http://www.python.org/ftp/python/%{version}/Python-%{version}.tar.xz BuildArch: noarch Patch0: python3-docs-use-local-python3-sphinx.patch Requires: %{python} = %{version} BuildRequires: %{python} BuildRequires: %{python}-sphinx BuildRequires: %{python}-docutils BuildRequires: %{python}-pygments %if %{check_links} BuildRequires: linkchecker %endif URL: http://www.python.org/ %description The python3-docs package contains documentation on the Python 3 programming language and interpreter. Install the python3-docs package if you'd like to use the documentation for the Python 3 language. %prep %setup -q -n Python-%{version} %patch0 -p1 %build make -C Doc html rm Doc/build/html/.buildinfo %install mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %check # Verify that all of the local links work (see rhbz#670493 - doesn't apply # to python3-docs, but only to older python-docs) # # (we can't check network links, as we shouldn't be making network connections # within a build. Also, don't bother checking the .txt source files; some # contain example URLs, which don't work) %if %{check_links} linkchecker \ --ignore-url=^mailto: --ignore-url=^http --ignore-url=^ftp \ --ignore-url=.txt\$ \ Doc/build/html/index.html %endif %files %doc Misc/NEWS Misc/HISTORY Misc/README Doc/build/html %changelog * Mon Sep 16 2013 Bohuslav Kabrda - 3.3.2-2 - Patch docs build to use locally installed python3-sphinx. * Wed Sep 04 2013 Bohuslav Kabrda - 3.3.2-1 - Initial package, spec adapted from python-docs.